Clément AGRET


MIDI, Medis, Université de CergyPontoise

View the Project on GitHub cagret/webpage


I am a temporary research and teaching assistant in MIDI team (Etis,Cergy Pontoise, France). My work focuses on methods and data structures in sequence bioinformatics, with applications to pangenome in particular.

After a bachelor’s degree in computer science and a master’s degree in Science and Digital for Health, Bioinformatics, Knowledge, Data at the University of Montpellier, I did my PhD within of the GAIA doctoral school (584), between Cirad and LIRMM. My thesis focuses on the development of a k-mers indexing data structure intended to support the analysis of hundreds or even thousands of similar genomes.

This general purpose data structure is intended to store information about many close genomes, but can also be adapted to store information on collections genomes derived from sequencing, upstream or downstream of classification into families of related species.

(detailed cv).

Ongoing work

GenomeHarvest project:

SeqBIM: working group common to the GDR Molecular Bioinformatics (BIM) at the GDR Informatique

CNRS Mathematics (IM):

JOBIM: Biology, Computer Science and Mathematics Open Days, the conference of the French Society

of Bioinformatics:

Journal Publications

International publications

International conferences with published proceedings


Invited talks





Zhejiang University of Science - ZUST

Semestre 1

Semestre 2

University of Mauritius - UoM

Semestre 1

Semestre 2

Établissement Volume Total
CY Cergy Paris Université Polytech Enseignant Contractuel 800h  
Lille ATER 191 + 10 201h  
IUT de Montpellier-Sète ATER 207 + 3 210h  
Faculté des Sciences de Montpellier 80+58+52 190h  
Total   1401h